Look Out For The Hood Samaritans in a Neighbourhood Near You

JaQ & Jen's Urban Book Store
The Streets Are On Fire, Here's What You Can Do!!

The Streets of Toronto are on fire but the real question is what are you going to do to change that! You can start by adding your info to our members list. This will keep you in the loop on amazing opportunities and ways you can help the streets. Other courses of action can be registering your child, family member or friend by going into the Apply section of this website. This will allow individuals access to immediate services around prevention, intervention and reintegration. The time to act is NOW Toronto!


180 Change Street is proud to announce we will be rolling out “Purple”, a year long initiative aimed to address trauma and mental health from a street centred lens. With the current state of affairs in the streets, we felt it was critical to do away with reactive bandaid solutions and focus on more long term effective strategies for the streets. What makes this initiative even more dynamic, is that it is a front end approach that gives us a way to move the conversation forward and further. A solution that does not wait to act only when one is suspended, expelled, arrested or killed, but one that is a way of life from the beginning. Arming our youth with the intelligence and critically thinking that fosters positive growth and personal development. It’s time to put one in the head and shoot for the skies!!!