5E's To Success: Entrepreneurship Day


Pictured after a small break out group session on life-skills and entrepreneurship.

5E's To Success: Exercise Day


An intense exercise day at 180 Change Street. It`s all about the 5E`s to Success.

Shadow Shakes "Liquor Spill"



180 Change Street is proud to be a part of the Ripple Effect Table


We recently had the opportunity to partner with some of the city of Toronto`s essential service leaders around the fight against anti-black racism. Looking forward to building with the "Ripple Effect" table as we collaborate to create meaningful change on a macro level. Many thanks to Toronto`s #1 Black newspaper the Share for both this article and years of service to the Black Canadian community.

Anti Black Racism & Policing


Let's Talk About It


It's a marathon, not a race

R.I.P. George Floyd

Planting The Seeds PT 3


Planting The Seeds PT 2


Planting The Seeds



Happy Remembrance Day from 180


Gone but not forgotten.

The Hood Samaritans


180 Change Street is proud to announce the launch of the Hood Samaritans. Our neighborhoods are currently experiencing a health pandemic through Covid-19, coupled with a call from humanity to end the practice of anti-black racism and systemic oppression. With that said, the Black business community in the Oakwood and Eglington area of Toronto has been hit hard with the building of a multi-billion dollar train line that has left a financial drain on the community for over 10 years. The anti-blackness comes into play when billions of dollars are estimated to build such a project without an evaluation on negative impacts caused to the surrounding black businesses. Add Covid-19 to the picture and we have restrictions that have only compounded the issue. With that said, we will be lending a helping hand to the community and supporting Gary`s Barber Shop and Beauty Salon this Saturday September 26th from 10am to 3pm by providing HAIR CUTS, BRAID UPS, FOOD and MUSIC along with MASKS and HAND SANITIZERS. Gary`s has been a staple in Toronto`s black community for over 22 years so it`s only right we show love and support by giving back to those who helped pave the way. Lets do our best to combat the recent spike in Covid-19 cases and keep our communities healthy. Register @ reachus@180changestreet.com on or before Friday September 25ht 2020.

On Sunday September 27th The Hood Samaritans will be in the heart of downtown Toronto providing PAID JOB TRAINING OPPORTUNTIES, EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES/ FOOD and MUSIC along with MASKS AND HAND SANITIZERS. For more details and to register, reachus@180changestreet.com and use the word "Job" in your subject heading

Justice For Devonte Miller

On June 26th 2020 Constable Michael Theriault was convicted of the vicious assault that left Devonte Miller without an eye and criminal charges in which he was later exonerated. Despite this verdict, his brother and co-accused Christian Theriault was allowed to walk as a free man without a single conviction. What many are asking is if the the situation was reversed, would Devonte Miller receive the same verdict for the loss of a police officers eye? However, what many in the community are also looking at is how Devonte Miller took the brave step to fight for justice. Justice in the name of those who have felt the receiving end of police brutality but have never had their stories told. We can fall for everything or we can keep stand for something. Thank you to Devonte Miller and his legal team.


Regis Korchinski Paquet #JusticeForRegis


On May 27th 2020 a request for assistance with mental health ended with 29 year old Regis Korchinski Paquet falling 24 floors to her death while in front of a team of trained police officers. How can a mental health situation that requires a tone of de-escalation lead to such a tragic event? As a result, there has been international outrage and a growing voice demanding there is #Justice For Regis. We want answers. We want #JusticeForRegis


George Flyod


On May 25th 2020 George Floyd was killed from the pressure of a knee to his neck that was applied while handcuffed for 9 painful minutes. As a result, 4 officers have been charged, but not before a monumental uprising within the Black community took place. The fire has been lit all over the world and now we are demanding that all forms of racism against black people be eliminated. It’s time to build for humanity. Enough is Enough




March To Freedom: The Peace Tournament North Preston, Nova Scotia

 I immigrated to Canada as a young child and while going through Toronto`s education system, never had the opportunity to discover the rich Black Canadian history that exists. This history was excluded from our text books, but what you find in Nova Scotia is a foundation and legacy of Canadian history dating back hundreds of years.This video was shot in North Preston, NS at The Peace Tournament which highlights the importance of non-violence and peacefulness in community. This event takes place every last week of August. Don`t forget to check it out and much love to our brothers and sisters "down home" in Nova Scotia!




The Legacy Continues!!!


It`s all about COURAGE, BRAVERY and FREEDOM! Pick up the torch

and make a CHANGE.

This photo is with Martin Luther King Jr. the 3rd 

The Graham Park Story

DO YOUR PART #Toronto Civic Engagement Rally


Join us this Friday, October 18th 2019 for the DO YOUR PART #Toronto Civic Engagement Rally. To R.S.V.P. for guest list and location: Reachus@180changestreet.com Get Informed! Execise Your Rights! Do Your Part! [Save the Date and Go Vote on October 21st 2019.

JaQ & Jen's Urban Book Store


Happy 2019 From 180 Change Street


180 Change Street (South East) Toronto Region


The 180 South East Region is a tight knit circle that has continued to pave there own way and create a brand new positive wave for the youth in the south east region. This undoubtebly talented group have already taken their entertainment venture to international levels and continue to make positive noise in the streets of Toronto and beyond. Life has been far from easy for this group, however they certainly know how to take lemons and making lemonade that's fasho!

180 Change Street (South West) Toronto Region


What can we say, except our South West chapter is nothing short of amazing. This talented group of individuals are determined, resiliant and really know how to get that legit paper while still keeping it street. It is incredible to see how this group utilizes transferrable skills to excel in the areas of employment and entrepreneurship.

180 Change Street North West (South Side) Toronto Region

We may have started off as a school program, but with Gods graces have grown to become more like family. Life and its obstacles are never easy, but we must always remember to:

  1.  Get Back Up When We Fall 
  2.  Support One Another.

We have been able to watch some of you rise to knew heights of success and we encourage you to continue on your journey. Never be ashamed to let your brilliance shine! 

180 Change Street North West Toronto Region

Big shout outs to our 180 Change Street Alumni. Time flies, but we never forget the amazing youth we work with from past to present. Some of you have gone on to successful business ventures and we hope you know that we see you doing amazing things. Bullet proof love from 180 Change Street. 

The Streets Are On Fire, Here's What You Can Do!!


The Streets of Toronto are on fire but the real question is what are you going to do to change that! You can start by adding your info to our members list. This will keep you in the loop on amazing opportunities and ways you can help the streets. Other courses of action can be registering your child, family member or friend by going into the Apply section of this website. This will allow individuals access to immediate services around prevention, intervention and reintegration. The time to act is NOW Toronto!




Recently in the amazing country of Canada, there has been a lot of discussion on the many multiple things we need to contemplate before we finalize the legalization of Marijuana. However, there is one thing we have not been hearing which leads to this next pondering question. Now that we are making the wise decision to legalize why aren’t we looking at the many lives that were railroaded stemming from past marijuana charges/convictions? How about the Rastafarian movement that fought so tirelessly in the past to have their religion respected but were instead vilified for recognizing the same medical and spiritual truths we now acknowledge in marijuana today? What can we be doing to potentially turn this past stumbling block in the lives of individuals and our community into a positive stepping stone for the future? Now that’s the piece that is missing, an oversight that has not been mentioned throughout the entire equation of legalization. We need to utilize the indigenous practise of restorative justice in this case and add balance to the growth of Canada’s marijuana industry. How can we spend countless years arresting marijuana smokers and then turn around and have police own and operate legal dispensaries moving forward? Mod Ting! I think we all know that it ain’t no fun if the homies can’t have none. Send on and don’t hang on!!!



This past February 180 Change Street jumped things off for the Black Youth Action Plan mentorship initiative with the P.U.R.P.L.E Symposium. We brought together youth with lived experience and various steak holders creating a powerful and rich conversation that is a must see for the evolving Black Canadian community. What makes P.U.R.P.L.E truly amazing is that it goes away from the rhetorical dangle the carrot conference type style of wasting time trying to figure things out and instead offers viable solutions that we can build from starting from today. Support 180 Change Street and help us continue trail blazing for tomorrow.


This Wednesday February 21st 2018 we will be dropping the street centred solution to trauma and mental health while looking at a few of its deeper root causes such as criminalize discourse, the prison industrial complex and school to prison pipeline. Spots are going quickly so take action now and R.S.V.P: Reachus@180changestreet.com to attent The .P.U.R.P.L.E. SYMPOSIUM #blackexcellence #streetintelligence #purpulating

Have a Safe and Successful 2018 and Remember this Quote from 180!!!


TEAM 180

180 Change Street is currently enrolling YG’s from the downtown core of Toronto to focus on building new positive outlets for the streets of downtown. With the temperature rising in our city, we have stepped it up a notch by creating a street team that has already begun to engage youth across the downtown core. What makes this street team special and most of all impactful, is that they have lived experiences the streets relate to that helps to reach our most vulnerable youth and navigate them towards positive change. We have decided to leave the politics for the politicians and focus on the bigger picture for the streets. With that said we are applying what we learned in the streets to modern industries that create stability and sustained wealth. It’s time to bang Smarter not Harder, take action today and register. Don`t forget, if you can run a range you can run a business.

Malcolm X


Mahatma Ghandi

If Ghandi was still here, civil disobedience in terms of the streets would in essence be not to participate in the criminal justice system what so ever. To resist in a way where no possible charges or convictions could be laid. Now think about that? What would happen to the expansions of prisons? Or the demand for increased department of justice budgets that come out our taxes? What would happen to fathers and the overall family dynamic as a whole? Many question come to mind. We want you to think about some of the diffent questions that come to mind and how you can apply it to your life. This effective strategy does not require violence, but instead strong will and a solid personal CONVICTION!!!.#BangSmarterNotHarder

Here are a couple suggestions of places you can lay low at while working on your non-violent strategy

1) Can`t go wrong with school, instead of catching that "letter" you stay charge and conviction free while adding knowledge and positive letters like Msc and Phd to your name.

2) Work or better yet start a business! Once again it keeps you charge and conviction free while adding value to your wallet and sustainabilty to your life.

It sure beats canteen!



It`s a work hard play hard philosophy at 180 Change Street, literally!. At 180 Change Street we hit the books before hitting jump shots. On one aspect we ensure our talented youth are academically ready for the next level, and on the other aspect ,we provide a theraputic outlet that allows them to release built up energy at the end of the day. It`s a win win!! (Our youth burning some steam at the end of the day)




It’s never easy dealing with the loss of a loved one especially when it happens so prematurely. To show their love and admiration for the late Jordan Manners our youth made this beautiful T-Shirt in his loving memory. Marching with candles and singing songs throughout the community it was a moment of solidarity, a moment to reflect but most of all a moment to think about how our actions impact the lives of others. Whether it`s Chiraq, Furguson or Toronto for that matter, the age range of youth passing away to senseless violence is getting younger and younger. 180 Change Street sends it’s love and condolences to all the families going though it. We can let these painful traumas paralyze us in life or we can take a positive aspect of ones life and commit it to ours in their honour and loving memory.




As true Canadian’s it is less about race and more about humanity. The common thread amongst our youth is that they are tough, talented and ready to pave a new way for Toronto. Ultimately, it`s not ones occupation that determines good or bad but instead the actions we take to make a difference in peoples lives and society as a whole. 



 180 Change Street with Toronto’s very own Epac. Unlike many over night rappers of today, Epac has paid his dues in the streets and now aim’s to hit the game with witty flows that will have you playing back verses to catch the deeper meaning. Already with a mix tape featuring DJ Absolute Epac is just warming up. Stay tuned



Here at 180 Change Street we like to highlight our up and coming future champions. Our youth our the future and luckily we have amazing young men who are up to the challenge of making positive change. You see with us there is no such thing as losing, for the only time we lose is when we give up. 180 Change Street Future Champions.



 On Sunday September 9th 2012 180 Change Street teamed up with Lawyer Jason E. Bogle for a community forum in Malvern in response to the recent gun violence in our city. Free hair cuts were provided to youth ages 6 to 17 by Cut Creator`s Barbershop, the same barbershop were Chris Thompson, 35 was gunned down while at work this past January. Seeing that school just started for our youths, sending them to school with fresh cuts and valuable life lessons is a step in the right direction as we the community heal from the aftermath of gun violence in our streets. It is important that we deal with the vicarious trauma in our communities before it turns to anger and violence in our youth. This forum laid out the communities response to our governments course of action plan regarding the recent shootings taking place in Toronto and provided insightful follow up recommendations.




Toronto saw its most horrific case of gun violence this past July 16th, 2012 at a community barbecue in Scarborough. Twenty five people were shot and two people where pronounced dead at the scene. The victims were four-teen years old Shyanne Charles and twenty three year old Joshua Yasay who attended the Danzing St. function on the night in question. In response to this senseless killing, on July 20th, 2012 Toronto rap artist P. Reign stepped up for the community and held the "Angel March" in support of the victims and their families. We at 180 Change St. mobilized our youth after a long day of Summer school at C.W Jeffries ( West Toronto) and journeyed to Scarborough to march in this amazing display of community and unity. May this be a wake up call to everyone that we can no longer sit down and watch our youths kill each other, that we all, not just the police,play a vital role in making this city a better place. It`s time we start putting down these guns and start resolving our issues in other ways. It`s not the gun that kills, but the anger behind one. Love and respect from 180.





180 Change Street officially makes history as it starts programming July 3rd 2012 with the Toronto District School Board. Students are able to attain credits while others are able to obtain gainful employment. This one of a kind program runs until August 17th, 2012. Look out for us at a school near you this fall. Shout out to the youths of the future, it`s your time to shine!! Check out the article theToronto Star wrote about the program.

180 Change Street (Jamaica) @Bob Marley's former primary school

180 Change Street (Jamaica) 

180 Change Street Black History Month workshop on exercise,team work, and unity. Special thanks to Manifesto and G.Y.C. Check out those great non-profit organizations when you get a chance.